The Lay School of Ministry of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin is led by a Board of Lay School Students, one Faculty Representative and a Director chosen by the Board from Synod clergy.
Lay School Board
Rev. Dr. Phil Ruge-Jones – Director (Shown here)
Rev. Greg Kaufmann – Faculty Representative
Janelle Thompson – Hospitality and Facility Setup
Sue Houkom – Newsletter Editor
Mary Meierotto – Member at large
Tim Fehr – Webmaster
Vicki Fankhauser – Registration and Bookkeeping
Careful readers of the Lay School History page will find Pr. Phil was a guest instructor in our Continuing Education classes a number of times while he was a professor at Texas Lutheran University. He relocated into our Synod at about the same time Pastor Greg Kaufmann was looking ahead to his retirement and stepped down as Director. The Board offered Pr. Phil the Director position and he has become instrumental in arranging for our Continuing Ed instructors to keep the high quality learning experiences we enjoy. Pastor Ruge-Jones is also the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Eau Claire.